
In-Person Classes
Below are the in-person classes I offer. Check the calendar over the next few months for upcoming group classes. I also offer in-home individual classes if there is not an upcoming date that is convenient for you or you would like a more customized class for your specific needs.
In-home Birth Crash Course (4 hours) $150
Anatomy: What is your body actually doing during labor?
Advocacy: How can my partner and I advocate for our wants/needs in a delivery room?
Pain management: How to tap into your nervous system to make contractions easier
Partner support: What can my partner do to comfort me during labor?
Postpartum: Some things you might expect, and some things you might not
Newborn: Who let us take this baby home? What is normal for a newborn?
Newborn Ready In-home Class (2 hours) $100
Postpartum expectations
Newborn sleep
Reflux and gas
Car seat safety
Newborn Ready Group Class (2 hours) $60/couple
Check calendar for upcoming group classes.
Birth Group Crash Course (5 hours) $100/couple
Check calendar for upcoming group classes.